Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello from Switzerland

Hey guys!
So I have a really long blog written, ready for you to read... It and all the picures are on the laptop. Only problem is that it died last night when i was sky ping with heather and in switzerland the adapteers for plugs are different than the ones we have for France and belgium. So, luckily everyone here has iPod, and lances friend yan portolanno is in that gropup of people, so i am able to blog from the iPad- which is not easy and i can promise you there will be a plethora of spelling and grammar errors... So just for y'all I'll suppress my inner OCD english teacher and just quickly update you.

So lance And i spent 4 days in Paris - pictures and blog later i promise - and decided at the last minute to hop the 6 hour train ride to Switzerland. It was a little out of Our price range, but we figured this will literally be a once in a lifetime thing, so we decided to take the financial hit and go. Can i just tell you that the train ride here was scenic and gorgeous? I felt like I was watching a movie because it was so unreal. There were these tiny towns and rolling hills and snow-covered mountains... Do any of you remember those tiny Christmas towns eith the electronic people who ice skated or walked on the streets and the train went through the town (meme used to have a huge one and mom i think you had one too) - my train ride was 6 hours of that. So adorable and beautiful and unique.

So ive been gone a week and i had been starting to feel a little homesick, mostly for mfy puppy and aven more because i cant understand anything and I've had a constant headache trying to use context clues and using the petit french that i know and understanding things... So we left the train station and immediately went to the star bucks next-door to use their wifi. I have never in my life been so excited to smell coffee. Everything was in english and they were playing Michael buble and the like and i felt like iwas at home right away. :) so we waited there fopr about an hour for his friend to pick us up.

His friends name is Yan Portalonno- he is Swiss, speaks German french and english. He was in lances zone on the mission and they grew to really love each other - I'd met Portalonno once before when lance and i were dating and a i had vaguely remembered him . He was funny and a quarky and so someone I'd be friends with. Him and CJ had hung out a bunch and they really loved each other too. Anyway, Portalonno is lthe kind of person that doesn't know a stranger and is Fun and outgoing and cracking jokes all the time. Anyway so he came to pick us up and immediately took us around the town of Bern and was a fabulous tour guide.

I. Love. Switzerland. It's clean and old and historic and gorgeous. If i had to live overseas I would do it here (and most people speak English too!). Yan told us people really care about the quality of life, even though it comes at a monetary cost, but that's why everyone is so clean and tailor and the villages are so lovely. Ahhh I knew i liked immediately for some reason. :)

Eventually we drove 30 mins to his village and we stopped to get groceries (ah lettuce! Tomatoes! Cucumber! Its been a while since ive been so happy to see green foods) and bought some produce for the next
Few days. We came home and stayed up till 1:30 - me listening to lance and yan tell and reminisce about the mission days.

I guess lance and i are still jet lagged because we woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon. Whoops. There goes our first day. Haha. It's okay. Were about to go explore yan's village while we wait for him to get off work (he works on the temple grounds) and the he's taking us to Zurich to explore.

So im off. Love you all


  1. sounds amazing, can't wait to see pics! Miss you guys!

  2. you are seriously living the dream! I can't express to you how much I have always wanted to see Switzerland and now you've confirmed it for me how AMAZING it is and I will have to visit one day. When you were describing it- all I could think about was Belle and her little town in Beauty and the Beast. Bonjour!
