Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tomorrow is the big day. We leave for Belgium in less than 24 hours... it's almost surreal, like it's not really happening. I don't suppose it will feel real until we step foot into the (freezing cold) cobblestone streets of Brussels. We've been running around trying to prepare as well as we could for the last two weeks. Lance has been tying up loose ends at his dealership and the house, and I've been tying up his loose ends. I've also packed up and (cleaned?) the house - Heather and Nick have moved in and are going to take care of our house and our child/doggy while we're gone... They moved in two days ago, so the house has been in a little chaotic and full of moving boxes - the Fergs scattered moving in, the Wakefield's scattered moving out. It's been fun having them sort of live with us though. For Christmas my in-laws gave us Kinect Dance Party - and we played it for 6 hours straight with them and our other friends Jason and McKell Harmon. It's nice having a little more noise in the house.

So our this is how it's going to go once we get to Europe - Land in Brussels Thursday around 3:00. Go to the EU and apply for a working visa (cross your fingers), go visit Lance's friend Patrick who lives in Charlois, Belgium - then off to PARIS for new years eve!! After a few days in Paris (we will be couch surfing, by the way), we are backpacking our way through a few French Cities and will end up in the Swiss Alps to visit Lance's other friend... then we're hoping to visit Italy (Rome?!)... depends on where the wind takes us! I'm pretty excited/nervous because I've never done long-term "roughing it".... and according to Lance that's what I will be dealing with. So pray for me! ha ha.

Anyway, I'm creating this blog because I wont have a phone while I am there (YIKES)...and I am pretty sure I will go through a little bit of homesickness and withdrawals of everything home and American - so I am going to attempt to use this as a sort of crutch. My in-laws also gave us an amazing camera - the Canon Rebel - for Christmas to assist us in our trip (have I ever mentioned how giving they are?)... so hopefully I will be able to capture the magic and history Europe has to offer us.

The following pictures are just starter pictures of Lance and I messing around with the camera and settings on Christmas Evening - it was really foggy and really cool outside.

SOOO au revoir my darlings. I will miss texting and I will miss my pup.

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